Mako mankanshoku
Mako mankanshoku

mako mankanshoku

Took a Level in Badass: When they confront Gamagoori regarding the details of the Grand Festival and if Ryuko and Mako are okay.Once Mako comes to her senses, she's understandably horrified by their behavior and makes sure they feel the same way. Thicker Than Water: Their reaction to Mako beating the crap out of Ryuko in episode 7 is to cheer for their daughter, since they're in no mood to lose their newfound wealth should Mako lose.Theme Naming: "Mankanshoku" means "all dressed up".Those situations that are completely serious don't feature them to begin with. If they're around, there will be wacky hijinks, however minor. This plays out about as well as one would expect. Rags to Riches: In episode 7, after Mako becomes president of the new Fight Club, their social standing increases dramatically, moving from the slums to their own condo, and eventually a mansion.Quirky Household: They love seeing Ryuko naked and consider a plateful of croquets made from unidentifiable junk to be the finest food in Japan (which it apparently is), yet they're the most loving family anyone can hope for.Offscreen Teleportation: In a Call-Back to No-Late Day, the whole family does this in episode 18.

mako mankanshoku

Non-Standard Character Design: They're noticeably more cartoony-looking than the other, more roughly-drawn characters.My God, What Have I Done?: After Mako chews them out for simply watching her slowly pummel her best friend to death, the whole family strips to their underwear and grovels before Ryuko in apology.The Medic: While Barazo fits this because of his doctor background, the rest of the family joins him when they become Nudist Beach's go-to medical crew.Like a Daughter to Me: The family considers Ryuko to be one of their own, even if they find her habit of talking to her clothes a bit disconcerting.Fortunately, they are able to drop it by the episode's end after Mako helps knock some sense into them. Jerkass Ball: In episode 7, Mako's promotion to One-Star allows them to live like kings, but it also turns them into pompous socialites who would rather have Mako kill Ryuko if it means keeping their new lifestyle.Eventually, they figure out that Senketsu is indeed sentient, even if they can't hear what he's saying. Mako tells her family to understand, as she thinks Ryuko is a very lonely girl. I Call It "Vera": What the Mankanshoku family thinks of Ryuko's relationship with Senketsu, as they can only see her talking to an inanimate school uniform.Good Parents: Both of them care very much for and are on excellent terms with Mako and Ryuko.Foil: It becomes increasingly clear that they are the family Ryuko wanted or could have had, compared to her father and mother.When Nagita is alone with Mako and Ryuko in their house, the rest of the family are seen spying on them, almost as if they expect something to happen.Every single member of the family is Distracted by the Sexy at one point or another and the boys try to peep on Ryuko often, but none of them actually take it too far.Art Shift: In episode 17, when confronting Gamagori about Ryuko and Mako's whereabouts, they take on a more dramatic and realistic art style.Acquired Situational Narcissism: They become quite vain and haughty in episode 7 once Mako books them a whole mansion.

Mako mankanshoku